马其顿画家阿历克珊德拉到访宝安 Macedonian Artist Aleksandra visits BA Center
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Lately, Macedonian artist Aleksandra Aceska paid a visit to the Bay Area International Exchange Service Center to learn more about the center's services and further discuss opportunities for cooperation on individual art exhibition.
近日,马其顿画家Aleksandra Aceska到访湾区国际交流服务中心,了解中心服务内容,并探讨合作机会。
Frank Chen, who's in charge of the center operation, warmly welcomed Aleksandra and gave her a detailed introduction of the center.
Aleksandra expressed her appreciation for services provided by the center, and shared views on cooperation in organizing cultural and artistic activities with the BA Center.
Aleksandra Aceska对中心提供的服务表示了解和赞赏,并就合作举办有关文化艺术活动与中心负责人合作进行了交流探讨。
Frank Chen then invited Aleksandra to visit Bao'an 1990, the Bao’an cultural center. There, Aleksandra was welcomed by Liu Mingjun and Wang Wenduo, leaders of the Public Culture and Sports Service Center in Bao'an District, and artist Liang Bing. They introduced "Bao'an 1990" to Aleksandra and presented her with rich collection.
随后,中心有关负责人带领Aleksandra Aceska前往“宝安1990”参观。宝安区公共文化体育服务中心领导刘明军、文化馆馆长王文舵、专家梁冰等参与了接待,并向Aleksandra Aceska讲述了“宝安1990文化馆”历史及建设目的。专家梁冰展示和介绍了其丰富的个人收藏品。
Aleksandra Aceska gave her sincere compliments to cultural and art exhibitions held in Bao’an and expressed admiration to artist Liang Bing's collection with Chinese ethnic cultural characteristics. Both parties are looking forward to future cooperation on cultural and art exchanges.
Aleksandra Aceska对宝安的有关展览活动和梁冰先生的展现中国民族特色的收藏品表达了惊叹与赞美,并热切期待未来的有关文化交流合作。
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